
Fyansford Explorations ~ Blog Posts
Blog:~ Buckley's Falls

Parkers Reef Sep 8, 2017
Greg Barber Nov 12, 2017
Ebony Ivory Connection Sep 25, 2016
Not You Tube - Therefore different presentation
Just click image to open video
abreachy623 (ZiggleBuzz Media 26/08/2019

Blog Focus:~ The Silos
Greg Trainor Jul 1, 2018
Stephen Buckman 13/01/2019
·Chris Bridge 5/11/2017
Not You Tube - Therefore different presentation
Just click image to open video
Not You Tube - Therefore different presentation
Just click image to open video
DasherTheSmasher 9/10/2017
Mick does stuff 16/12/2019
Not You Tube - Therefore different presentation
Just click image to open video
Blog Focus:~ SiloArt
gshocked Mar 4, 2018
ZiggleBuzz Media Apr 10, 2019
Ken Pascoe Aug 19, 2019
Scott Boyd Dec 7, 2018
Blog:~ Nearby Environs
gshocked Mar 4, 2018
drones over...

Ryan Mc
Clive Rose

the falls
Parkers Reef
Luke Garde
Greg Barber

paper mill



Andrew Breach


St Quentin

Now, that's good!

To come...
To come...
If you have a drone video that could be appropriate to this page,
let me know and I'll check it out. Thanks!
EMAIL: Fyansford.com @gmail.com
To Drone ~ with a difference...
Back at the Fyansford paper mill with the good drone for some long-exposure pics. By Adam Stan Photography

Drone Photographers

Two great drone views of Fyansford. Here's hoping there are more coming...

Two great drone views of Fyansford. Here's hoping there are more coming...

Stephen Buckman
Just waiting
for someone to fill this spot
Scott Boyd Zigglebuzz Media
Now, these are three drone photographers...
I'd like to place "Under the Spotlight"
They tick all of my boxes ~
topical relevance
clarity and depth of field
captivating focal points
top-class editing...
After clicking arrow activate YouTube link
Clive's gallery of stills ~ from his drone footage

Clive Rose #1

Clive Rose #2

Clive Rose #3

Clive Rose #1
Clive Rose

definitely the best pre and post weir-fracture videos
Protestant Orphanage ~ from a different perspective

Clive Rose

Clive Rose

Clive Rose
Geelong Drone Groups

Our Neighbourhood Amenity Local Law 2014 requires that you obtain a permit to fly a drone or any remotely piloted aircraft within a municipal reserve.
City of Greater Geelong
General Rules for Flying a Drone in Australia
Based on our research and interpretation of the laws, here are the most important rules to know for flying a drone in Australia.
You must only fly during the day and keep your drone within visual line-of-sight. This means being able to see the aircraft with your own eyes (rather than through a device) at all times.
You must not fly your drone higher than 120 meters (400ft) above the ground.
You must keep your drone at least 30 meters away from other people.
You must not fly your UAV over or near an area affecting public safety or where emergency operations are underway (without prior approval). This could include situations such as a car crash, police operations, a fire and associated firefighting efforts, and search and rescue.
You must only fly one UAV at a time.
You must not fly over or above people. This could include beaches, parks, events, or sport ovals where there is a game in progress.
If your drone weighs more than 100g, you must keep at least 5.5km away from controlled aerodromes.
Respect personal privacy. Don’t record or photograph people without their consent—this may breach state laws.
In addition to following these rules, you can download the ‘Can I fly there?’ drone safety app. This official CASA app is an excellent tool for determining where you can and cannot fly a drone in Australia for those flying their drone recreationally or commercially.
UAV Coach
Drone Photographers