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The Archie's Patch Series

The Archie's Patch Series
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Archie's Patch Publications
is branching out...
.... to non-Archie's Turf

Nana Mary

The world-wide lockdowns due to the Corona epidemic have caused angst and concern around the world; along with unbelievable personal hardship and loss of life.
Though for many it was a lost and painful time, for others it was an opportunity to review goals, day-to-day priorities and what was really important. For Nana Mary, Poppy John and Archie, tucked away by the Moorabool River in Fyansford, Australia, it was a time to do something a little different.
The resulting Archie books, though written for nanas, poppies and grandparents (νάνα και παπαρούνες, nanas e papaveri, yia-yia, pa-pous and nonnos), are intended for all young-in-spirit imaginatives. The books provide an opportunity for the important people in a child’s life to sit down and share experience with their loved ones.
Open any Archie’s book and you visit a simpler world, with pictures and text that are uncomplicated, to the point, known-to-all and above all child-friendly.
The writers, parents of seven children and fourteen grandchildren (a teacher and a nurse) bring a lifetime of knowledge and experience to these books.
Wherever possible every attempt has been made to gain approval from parents for publication of images (particularly those relating to children shown in the 'Halloween' books). If any parent still wishes their child's photo to be removed, please contact me (Fyansford.com@gmail.com).

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