Thanks to members of the Gugger family
we have this amazing resource
to throw light on our collective history.
Last week I received a second batch of historical documents from John Gugger.
In revealing the contents
I will this time adopt a
"Lucky Dip" approach;
in contrast to Batch one where I revealed documents in topical groupings.
Fyansford has long had a close relationship with Stonehaven, e.g. the operation of our local C.F.A. I also notice that there are notes relating to Murgheboluc. Some of the included documents reflect this partnership.
While some of the jottings have, at this stage, little or no meaning to me, I will include them in this bundle as someone in the past obviously deemed them worthy of keeping.
I will not list as single posts but add where most relevant as I proceed through the folders...
Sometimes I will post in gallery form though there might be as few as two items. This allows for maximum enlargement for easy viewing.
Remember to click first image to open gallery and to enlarge for easier viewing. Also check if there is a link.
Take me to:~
Take me to:~
Take me to:~
Take me to:~
Before the days of photocopiers
Fyansford School 1914
Is this what you were looking for Dianne?
Is this what you were looking for Dianne?
Photo Album
Newspaper Clippings
Murgheboluc Cricket Club
Leisure & Pleasure
Local Government
Take me to it
A Shire of Bannockburn (no-longer existing) document from 1988 with contributions by:
Fyansford Primary School ~ Mrs. Rita Busbridge,
Fyansford Grazing Lease ~ Mr. Norm Gugger,
Stonehaven Rural Fire Brigade ~ Mr. Neil T. Gugger,
Stonehaven Branch of the Red Cross Society ~ Mrs. O. M. Venters,
Stonehaven & District Red Cross Unit ~ Mrs. Kathy Hicks,
Murgheboluc Tennis Club ~ Mrs. Peg Morrison
Post card What is wrong with it?
Post card What is wrong with it?
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Local Government
Vignerons & Farmers
The grape louse (Phylloxera), a microscopic louse / aphid that lives on and eats roots of grapes can infest a vineyard from the soles of vineyard worker’s boots or naturally spreading from vineyard-to-vineyard by proximity. The vineyards were destroyed and vignerons had to diversify to orchards, gardens and general farming.….
Highett flour mill - later starch mill then a jam factory on the south west of the Barwon River…
Barwon Paper Mill – was opened in 1878 and served the area until 1923…
Union Steam Mill – was owned by Collins Bros and powered by steam was on the north side of the Moorabool River….
Frogmore – Frogmore has had several owners. One, Mr Charles Wyatt, came to Australia in 1847 and soon after started the nursery and vineyard at Frogmore…
Venters Family – were early settlers with extensive property at Stonehaven…
Toll Gate – in 1854 was attended by N. O. Callaghan, then McCann and later J. Connelly…
Stonehaven CFA
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A Shire of Bannockburn historical document from 1988.....
Stonehaven CFA ~ Mr. Neil T. Gugger
Fyansford Grazing Lease
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A Shire of Bannockburn historical document from 1988.....
Fyansford Grazing Lease ~ Mr. Norm Gugger
Stonehaven Branch of the Red Cross Association
Take me to it
A Shire of Bannockburn historical document from 1988.....
Red Cross contributions by
~ Mrs. O. M. Venters & Mrs. Kathy Hicks
The final Shire of Bannockburn historical document from 1988.
By Mrs. Peg Morrison
More Jottings
by Norm Gugger
Ca 1988
I attribute these jottings to Mr. Norman Albert Gugger (17/9/1919 - 14/7/2007), father of John and Neil Gugger.
I would love to have met Norm as I think we were both cast in similar molds; with a very high regard for detail, writing and history.
I see it as a responsibility to respect the words Norm wrote so many years ago and while I provide a link to his jottings in full, I will endeavor to present them as a series of thought bubbles (with added personally-selected illustrations).
I cannot help but think how Norm would have loved to have had access to the modern PC, the internet and the relative ease of self-publishing. I am sure he would have been a prolific writer...
I apologise for errors in transcription. As some jottings were barely legible, errors in spelling may occur.
Murgheboluc News ~ from earlier times by Sadie Venters et al
A lovely retreat in the Barrabool Hills
Geelong Advertiser, January 31, 1989
A sign of the times...
Frogmore Nursery
Unknown Author
Miscellaneous Jottings
Bicentennial Cairn 1
Bicentennial Cairn
Bicentennial Cairn 1
Murgheboluc News by Sadie Venters et al
Entries extend from 1880 to 1965
Family members will be forwarded extracts on receipt of email
Please nominate the specific pupil's name and approximate year of attendance.
Family members will be forwarded extracts on receipt of email