McAuliffe Drive
One regular stopping place within walking distance is the McAuliffe Roadside Library which, though small, humble and tucked close by Casey Boulevard, is an amazing community service jam-packed with good reads.
Community members may peruse the display of everchanging books and take a book they would like to read. In return community members are encouraged to replace any books they take with books they have read.
Over the last month I have seen paperbacks by Wilbur Smith, Lee Child, Nikki Gemmell, Frederick Forsyth, Colleen McCullough and Jeffrey Archer…
A range of children's books have also been available at times.
Fyansford.com followers will have noticed a range of our books appearing in the library (one new book every weekend). This site features all such books made available to date in this way. It also presents links to the e-book format.
Early contributions included the ten read-to books in the Archie's Patch series (for sharing with grandchildren). The current Fyansford.com releases include the APC Collection; four books by Evert van Dreven and Andreas Makarewitsch. A collection of these books was given to the Geelong Heritage Library in 2022.
After an appropriate period (in order to provide space for contributions by other community members), the Fyansford.com books will be withdrawn. They are always available on loan to individual members of our community (Tel. 04235 7128 894).
McAuliffe Roadside Library
Take me to:
+ Archie's Patch publications
+ Fyansford.com Publications
+ This week's Fyansford.com contribution

The Archie’s Patch series includes:
Click the Book link... Scroll down Archie's page... Click on the title link...
The e-book may take a minute to download depending on your computer speed.
Really only suitable for PCs, laptops or larger tablets (not smartphones)
APC Collection

The APC Collection includes:
Two books by Andreas Makarewitsch
See Books 7 & 8 https://www.fyansford.com/fyansford-com-bookshop-1
Two books by Evert van Dreven
See Books 5 & 6 https://www.fyansford.com/fyansford-com-bookshop-1
- Geelong Cement Retirees' Museum
See Book 9 https://www.fyansford.com/fyansford-com-bookshop-1

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Click the link... Scroll down Fyansford.com Bookshop page to Books 7&8, 5&6 or 9. Click on the title link...
The e-book may take a minute to download depending on your computer speed.
Really only suitable for PCs, laptops or larger tablets (not smartphones)

This week's contribution
to the
McAuliffe Roadside Library
Other books contributed by Fyansford.com
* Personal Reflections (Betty Viccars)
* Punch's Visits to Remarkable Places ~ Fyan's Ford
* Bert Wilks' authorship questioned:~
- The Pioneering Days of Fyansford
- Families Whose Names Were Household Words