It's my story
and I'd like to tell it...
Pauline Huebner (21 August, 2019)
Hello I'm glad to see that you are finding out a lot about Fyansford’s history. I was born in 1973 and lived there for 16 years. My parents lived there for many years. My dad was Elmore Huebner. We lived on the corner of Degoldies' rd. The house is still there. It's a grey stone house - very old. My grand-parents owned the house. They bought it with their pension money. As far as I know the people my grandfather bought the house from built it by hand, making it brick by brick. The bricks are part bluestone and cement gravel. Fyansford changed when the ring road went through. I still remember the road works being very noisy and dusty. The ring road was supposed to go through my dad's old home but my dad would not budge. So they had to change the plans. Unfortunately, I do not have those plans. My dad showed me them. He has passed now. I don't own the house there now. It was sold over 12 years ago. Then sold again early this year. I remember as a kid riding my bike down to the Buckley falls - love the falls. If I can help in any way with info I will try my best. I knew 2 owners of Fyansford pub. My parents and myself used to sing there for years. Country music…. Most of Fyansford would come and have a great night. I knew the Guggers as well. And Mr de Goldie. I'm going to ask my mum too for more info.

I just wanted to let you know my Dad's old house on the corner of Degoldies rd at Fyansford was demolished today.
I'm so crushed - lots of memories.
You did a story on it. I wrote to you. Pauline
Hi, Pauline!
I think your experience will be shared over the next few years as developers realise the value of Fyansford. So close to Geelong, the beaches and Melbourne. I do understand how you must feel with the closing of a book - a book of memories.
I feel that I barely touched on your dad’s house and it’s importance to you.
If ever you come across any other photos or stories you want to share please give me a call. With COVID restrictions being eased I’m again getting out- n-about and meeting long-time Fyansford residents. Gradually photos and memories are being shared.
Thanks for contacting me. Take care! John Flatt (Fyansford.com)

Family history posts
by Chris McGlade

Post #1. Introducing the Littlewoods
Post #3. Henry Littlewood
Post #1.
It is always with a sense of excitement and anticipation that I open my email.
I love it when the past reaches out, touches me and comes to life; as it did last night.
It was a thrill to shake hands with Blanche Littlewood, one of Fyansford’s trailblazers; her parents operated the store and General Post Office during the period 1875 – 1886.
Their great granddaughter, Chris, reached out, sharing her family history in the form of notes penned by Chris’ mother (now deceased) in 2007.

Over the next couple of days I will share the Littlewood story.
My initial inquiries to Gen Fyansford re the origin of their estate street-names revealed some information; not a lot. I’d love for anyone with the 'knowledge’ to contact me and share what they know. As far as Gen Fyansford knew ‘Littlewood‘ was an “ANZAC soldier born in Fyansford”. And, that was it…
Post #2.
Blanche was born in Fyansford on
22nd October, 1870.
She married William Royle in 1896

To best read text click first image
and click arrows to move through pages.

Post #3.
Great, great grandmother and great grandfather, Henry Littlewood.

Chris, if you find any further information
re your family tree, I'll be happy to add it.

Help Wanted
from Fyansfordites; old-timers or newly arrived
Fyansford.com Publications is continuing the process of assembling a range of self-published Fyansford-related info-books.
Existing texts can be viewed at https://www.fyansford.com/fyansford-com-bookshop-1.
I am always looking for:-
Fyansford primary school photos. I already have the following years: 1898, 1914, 1924, 1932, 1940, 1947, 1958, 1969, 1970, 1977, 1979, 1990 and 1996
Historical anecdotes or descriptive memories
any related previously unpublished works: poetry, prose, artwork, photos or drone video clips - see earlier My Posts: https://www.fyansford.com/my-story
I give a copy of any new publication to primary contributors.