"The Fyansford steam flour mill ... built by Godfrey Barthold and Lowe in 1854 from locally quarried bluestone.... was four stories and powered by steam and processed locally grown wheat supplied by the Barabool Hills farmers. A sketch from c.1853 by Samuel Gill shows a fenced area around the mill, presumably its grounds ..... Godfrey A. Barthold, Miller of Fyansford was listed as insolvent in 1861 ..... An 1876 photograph of the Moorabool River Valley shows the mill, possibly abutting the Mill House (still extant) to the south and a two storey addition to the east. A large square shaped stack is also visible in the photo (CRM 1876). By 1885, a newspaper article describes the building as the 'old flour mill on the bank of the Moorabool River at Fyansford', suggesting that perhaps the buildings were perhaps derelict and no longer in use. Around 1870, the mill was sold to Mr. Charles Hopton. In 1889 the top two floors of the building were removed and the bottom floor re-roofed. The building was then used by the community as a dance hall, library and recreation club. The remainder of the building was demolished in the 1920s due to the expansion of Australian Portland Cement.....
Must Reads... A mill story! and Grist to the Mill by Jo Mitchell