Sue Wilks, a contemporary member of the Fyansford branch of the Wilks family, has shared some of her family collectibles which, over the next week,
will be shared with the community.


Thanks Sue for this beautiful photo, thought to be Mary, wife of Henry, and mother of James and Joseph Wilks who migrated to Australia in the late 1840s.
For more information see HERE.

I couldn't believe my good fortune whe Sue arrived at my home with an armful of what I can only describe as treasured family memorabelia including these photographs.
For more information see HERE.

I always thought I had a photo of the Wilks Fyansford business. Now I'm not sure. I now have one from William Bottrell's Geelong Advertiser article, one framed photo treasured by Sue Wilks, and one from Ancestry.com (with Phil Fenton named as the source)
For more information see HERE.

Or, a case of mistaken identity...
Herbert Findon Arthur Wilks is,
to me, a man of mystery.
Can anyone tell me anything about this gentleman?
For more information see HERE.

It appears Herbert attended three schools; one being Fyansford state school No. 1691

It appears Herbert attended three schools; one being Fyansford state school No. 1691

And, finally, the penny drops and the author of "The Pioneering Days of Fyansford" is, thanks to Sue Wilks, unmasked.
For more information see HERE.

Mind you on reading the clipping I am still of the opinion that one of the Wilks boys was a major contributor to the article.

I can't help but be in awe at the challenges faced by the early Wilks that came to Fyansford, Australia, back in the mid-1800s. Amazing!
If there are any Wilks out there that can add to this amazing story, I'd love to hear from you.
On the other hand, I'd love to hear from descendants of any of the other early Fyansford faqmilies.
Yes, if you have a story to tell, I'd love to hear it...